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Walmart Associate
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Response Legend

  • YYes
  • NNo
  • UUndecided
  • Declined to Respond / Position Unknown / Unclear
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Should education funding be available directly to families through a grant, scholarship, or education savings account so that parents can send their children to the school of their choice, including religious schools? Y* I am not against school vouchers on principle; but I do believe public schools must come first- this is taxpayer money we're talking about. If public schools come first, and there is verification that vouchers are not given to people who actually can afford private school, there absolutely should be some public assistance for school choice. We have billions in surplus dollars as a Commonwealth, let's use it to provide as much freedom to the people to chart their own course as humanly possible. Admittedly, my position on this topic has shifted, but I consider myself pro-school choice with the caveats listed above. I will never advocate paying for vouchers by cutting public school funds.
2. Should marijuana be legalized and sold commercially for recreational use? Y* Yes. This "2nd prohibition" is part of the failed war on drugs. No one should ever be penalized by their government for what they do with their own body. Additionally, legalizing & taxing the green will alleviate prison overcrowding, and create jobs, as well as bringing in untold revenue for our Commonwealth to put back towards serving the people instead of punishing them for a personal choice.
3. Should the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act be amended to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity," which would require public schools and other public facilities to open up restrooms and locker rooms to members of the opposite sex? Y* The best solution for this is to, as with most topics, provide as much freedom as possible. Transgender kids are humans and should be treated with respect. Why should we assume anyone- let alone a child- is a predator? It's not right. A good compromise would be to also offer family bathrooms & gender-nuetral bathrooms.
4. Should Pennsylvania enter into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which would include a new carbon tax on electricity producers? Y* A tax on pollution is reasonable. Additionally, the crux of my environmental policy is tax incentives for energy companies to develop green energy sources & uses. This will lessen the lobbying against green energy and help expedite the process of making alternative fuel more widely viable & available.
5. Should increases in state government spending be limited to the rate of inflation plus population growth? N* That fundamentally disregards specific funding needs, which change often & are not relegated to inflation+population growth.
6. Should state taxpayer funding be allowed for elective abortions? Y* On principle I believe in a public option (with private insurance still existing as part of a free market) so yes, I support this- and medical care in general- having a degree of public funding.
7. Should all voters be required to show identification before voting? Y* Let's provide a free photo voter's ID when registering, so anyone with no other form of ID can still vote.
8. Should striking union members have access to unemployment compensation? U* I love unions generally, but that should depend on the circumstances & reasons for the strike. One signs up for a union with the understanding of the risks as well as the rewards, so this should be handled on a case-by-case basis. For example, if a company is flagrantly mistreating workers, yes, those on strike should get some help as they work to make the company better.
9. Should public schools be prohibited from allowing males who identify as females to compete in girls’ sports? N* There could be an argument for allowing schools to discriminate this way (an argument I vehemently disagree with - see Utah GOP Gov. Spencer Cox's comments on his own veto of a trans kids in sports ban) but isn't a government ban on trans kids in sports a governmental overreach, as well as discrimimation? I believe so, and that's why I answered "no".
10. Should schools have to post curriculum online for review by parents and taxpayers? Y* Obviously.
11. Should funding for public and state-related universities follow the student rather than go directly to the institution? Y